The quality policy at Intersagunto Terminals establishes our commitment to services and continuous improvement. It is reviewed periodically to assess its effectiveness and suitability.

Quality management systems: ISO 9001

Based on the conviction that only through quality service will we achieve customer satisfaction, we have an Integrated Management System that guarantees the efficient development of our operations.

Environmental management system: ISO 14001

Intersagunto Terminales, S.A., a responsible company of reference in the port of Sagunto, is committed to caring for and respecting the environment in the daily exercise of its activities.

Para lograr este compromiso, considera necesaria la máxima implicación de toda la compañía y de todos sus empleados mediante la aplicación de soluciones eficientes y la búsqueda de alternativas sostenibles e innovadoras para sus actividades portuarias.

Cumplir la legislación ambiental que es de aplicación a nuestra actividad, así como los compromisos adquiridos de forma voluntaria.
Implementar las herramientas necesarias para prevenir la contaminación.
Utilizar racionalmente los recursos, minimizando los consumos de agua, papel y energía. Reducir la generación de residuos y emisiones favoreciendo el reciclado buscando soluciones eco-eficientes.
Implicar a todos los empleados de la cadena en el logro de los objetivos ambientales propuestos mediante programas de formación y sensibilización.
Colaborar con la Autoridad Portuaria de Valencia y entidades del sector en la definición e implementación de las condiciones del desarrollo del puerto sostenible.
Compromiso de mejora continua en todos aquellos aspectos ambientales que la compañía identifique.

Safety management system: ISO 45001

The implementation of this standard has been developed with the aim of helping to provide a safe and healthy workplace for workers as well as other groups (suppliers, contractors, neighbours...). The best way to contribute to the prevention of work-related injuries and health problems, as well as the continuous improvement of health and safety performance in the workplace.

Service quality

The current configuration of transport systems has turned ports into logistics platforms of great importance for logistics chains.

Within this framework, Service References have been developed which establish a series of quality characteristics for the services provided by the concessionary entities of maritime terminals or stations and by shipping companies operating in Spanish ports of general interest. These reference standards establish the level of service that the customer can expect and the aspects that must be checked in order to ensure compliance with the quality characteristics.

Guide to Good Environmental Practices

The aim of the Guide to Good Environmental Practices is to establish the basic technical contents, which must form part of the agreements on good practices, which Intersagunto Terminals has signed with the Port Authority of Valencia. The final objective is to encourage improvements in environmental practices in its sphere of action and influence.

Other sustainability and environmental actions

In addition to the quality certifications and the good practice guide developed by Intersagunto Terminals, the following sustainability actions are also noteworthy:

Commitment to renewable energies. An installation of 96 solar panels with a power of 540W each has been carried out.
Promote efficient lighting. The street lights are LEDS which have replaced the traditional halogen lamps.